Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Treatments and Symptoms You Need to Know

Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Treatments and Symptoms You Need to Know

Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Treatments and Symptoms You Need to Know


Imagine biting into a cold ice cream cone and feeling an unexpected jolt of pain. If this scenario sounds familiar, you're likely one of the many people who suffer from sensitive teeth. This common dental issue can turn enjoyable meals into uncomfortable experiences, making it essential to understand its causes, treatments, and symptoms.

Sensitive teeth are more than just a minor inconvenience; they can significantly impact your daily life. From limiting your food choices to causing discomfort during routine oral hygiene practices, tooth sensitivity is a condition that deserves attention. Understanding what triggers this sensitivity is the first step towards finding effective solutions and reclaiming the joy of eating your favorite foods without fear or discomfort.

In this article, we will delve into the world of sensitive teeth - shedding light on what causes them to become sensitive in the first place and how you can treat them effectively. We'll also discuss some common symptoms associated with sensitive teeth so you know exactly what to look out for. So let's get started on our journey towards better oral health!

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive teeth, a common dental issue affecting nearly 40% of the global population, can be attributed to various causes. The primary cause is often worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. When the protective layers of your teeth erode due to aggressive brushing or acidic foods and drinks, it leaves the dentin exposed. Dentin, which contains microscopic tubules filled with tiny nerve endings, when exposed leads to sensitivity.

Another significant factor contributing to sensitive teeth is cavities. Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. These holes expose the inner layer of your teeth leading directly to nerves causing discomfort and sensitivity.

How Does Brushing Too Hard Affect Your Teeth?

Brushing too hard might seem like an effective way to ensure clean teeth but it's actually counterproductive and harmful for oral health. Over-brushing wears down enamel - the outermost layer of our teeth designed to protect against decay - exposing dentin and leading directly to sensitivity.

According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Dentistry, over 50% of people brush their teeth too hard which contributes significantly towards tooth wear and sensitivity over time.

Can Gum Disease Cause Sensitive Teeth?

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is another major contributor towards sensitive teeth affecting approximately 20-50% adults worldwide according to World Health Organization (WHO). Inflamed and sore gum tissue may result in loss of supporting ligaments which exposes root surface leading directly to nerve endings within each tooth.

This exposure triggers pain signals that we perceive as tooth sensitivity especially while consuming hot or cold food items.

Symptoms Of Sensitive Teeth

Symptoms Of Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth, a common dental problem affecting around 40% of adults globally, can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition. The primary symptom is a sharp, sudden pain that shoots deep into the nerve endings of your teeth. This discomfort often occurs in response to certain triggers such as hot or cold temperatures, sweet or sour foods and drinks, or even exposure to cold air.

The sensation can range from mild discomfort to intense pain that can last for several hours. It's not just limited to eating or drinking - even brushing and flossing can cause distress if you have sensitive teeth. In fact, many people with this condition find it difficult to maintain proper oral hygiene due to the discomfort they experience during these routine activities.

It's important to note that tooth sensitivity isn't a standalone condition but rather a symptom of other underlying dental issues. These could include enamel erosion caused by aggressive tooth brushing or highly acidic foods and drinks; gum recession due to periodontal disease; cracked teeth which expose the inner layers of the tooth; worn fillings; and tooth decay near the gum line.

In some cases, sensitivity might only occur around one or two teeth rather than across your entire mouth. This localized sensitivity could indicate a specific issue like a cavity or cracked tooth in need of attention. If left untreated, these problems could lead to more serious complications such as root infections or abscesses.

As we transition into our next topic "How Is Tooth Sensitivity Diagnosed?", it's crucial for anyone experiencing symptoms of sensitive teeth to seek professional advice promptly. Regular dental check-ups are essential not only for diagnosing conditions like tooth sensitivity but also for preventing them before they start.

How Is Tooth Sensitivity Diagnosed?

How Is Tooth Sensitivity Diagnosed?

Tooth sensitivity, a common dental concern affecting 40% of adults worldwide, is typically diagnosed through a comprehensive oral examination. When you visit your dentist complaining about tooth sensitivity, they will first conduct a thorough review of your dental history. This includes asking detailed questions about the severity and frequency of your discomfort, the triggers that cause it (like hot or cold foods), and any other symptoms you may be experiencing.

The dentist then proceeds to examine your mouth physically. Using professional dental tools, they inspect each tooth for signs of decay or damage that could be causing sensitivity. They pay special attention to areas with worn enamel or exposed dentin - two leading causes of sensitive teeth. The dentist may also use an explorer tool to gently probe the affected teeth and gums to determine the exact location and extent of the pain.

In some cases, dentists might perform what's known as a "percussion test." Here, they tap on each tooth lightly using a small instrument to check for tenderness or discomfort. Your reaction to this test can reveal valuable information about the state of your oral health and help pinpoint potential issues contributing to tooth sensitivity.

As part of this diagnostic process, dentists often employ air tests too. A blast of air from a dental syringe across various areas in your mouth helps identify hypersensitive spots. If you wince or feel sharp pain when certain teeth are exposed to this air stream, it indicates those particular regions are more susceptible to temperature changes - a classic sign of sensitive teeth.

What Role Do X-Rays Play In Diagnosing Tooth Sensitivity?

X-rays play an indispensable role in diagnosing tooth sensitivity by providing an inside view into your oral structure that isn't visible during regular dental exams. Dental x-rays can detect problems such as decay between teeth (interproximal cavities) which affect nearly 40% people aged 18-64. These issues often go unnoticed during routine check-ups but can lead to significant tooth sensitivity if left untreated.

Moreover, x-rays are instrumental in identifying damage to the bone supporting the teeth. Conditions like periodontal disease or bone loss can cause your gums to recede, exposing the roots of your teeth and leading to heightened sensitivity. By revealing such underlying conditions, x-rays enable dentists to devise a more effective treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

X-rays also help detect abscesses or infections at the root of your teeth - another common cause of tooth sensitivity. An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms due to bacterial infection and can result in severe pain and sensitivity if not addressed promptly.

Finally, dental x-rays allow dentists to spot any cracks or fractures in your teeth that might be causing discomfort. Even hairline fractures that are virtually invisible to the naked eye can be picked up by an x-ray machine, ensuring no stone is left unturned in diagnosing the root cause of your tooth sensitivity.

In conclusion, understanding how tooth sensitivity is diagnosed and the role x-rays play in this process can empower you as a patient. It helps you make informed decisions about your oral health care and prepares you for what's next: exploring available treatments for sensitive teeth.

Available Treatments For Sensitive Teeth

Available Treatments For Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be a real pain, but luckily there are several treatments available to help alleviate this discomfort. One of the most common treatments is the application of fluoride. This mineral helps to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce pain. Dentists often apply fluoride directly to sensitive areas of the teeth during office visits.

Another popular treatment option is desensitizing toothpaste. These special toothpastes contain compounds that help block transmission of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve, reducing sensitivity over time. It's important to note that these toothpastes don't provide immediate relief - they need to be used regularly over several weeks before you start noticing a difference.

For more severe cases of tooth sensitivity, dental procedures like bonding or desensitizing may be required. Bonding involves applying a resin material to sensitive areas of your teeth, while desensitizing involves applying a protective coating that seals off tiny channels in your teeth leading to nerves.

Remember, it's always best to consult with your dentist before starting any new treatment for sensitive teeth. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and oral health condition.

Are There Any Home Remedies For Treating Sensitive Teeth?

Yes, there are indeed some home remedies that could potentially alleviate pain caused by sensitive teeth. A simple yet effective remedy is rinsing your mouth with warm salt water twice daily. The warmth soothes inflamed gums while salt acts as an antiseptic, helping prevent bacterial growth.

Another remedy worth trying is green tea - known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce inflammation and strengthen teeth when used as a mouthwash twice daily.

You might also consider adjusting your diet - acidic foods and drinks like citrus fruits and soda can wear down enamel over time causing increased sensitivity. Try cutting back on these items or at least rinse your mouth with water after consuming them.

Lastly, proper oral hygiene is key. Brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush like SilkyTeeth, and flossing daily can help prevent gum disease and tooth decay - both of which can lead to increased sensitivity.

While these home remedies can provide some relief, they're not a substitute for professional dental care. If you're experiencing persistent or severe tooth sensitivity, it's important to see your dentist as soon as possible.

In the meantime, remember that prevention is always better than cure. Taking steps to avoid tooth sensitivity in the first place can save you from discomfort down the line. This includes maintaining good oral hygiene habits, using a fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash regularly, avoiding acidic foods and drinks, and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups.

Preventive Measures For Avoiding Tooth Sensitivity

Preventive Measures For Avoiding Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be a painful and inconvenient experience. It's estimated that 40% of the population experiences some form of tooth sensitivity at some point in their lives. The good news is, with proper preventive measures, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing this condition.

Tips on maintaining good oral hygiene habits like proper brushing and flossing techniques

Proper oral hygiene is the cornerstone of preventing tooth sensitivity. This involves more than just brushing twice a day; it also includes using the right toothbrush and technique. A soft-bristled brush like SilkyTeeth, which has 12,000 ultra-fine bristles, is ideal for cleaning without causing damage to your teeth or gums. When brushing, use gentle circular motions rather than aggressive back-and-forth strokes to avoid wearing down your enamel.

Flossing daily is equally important as it removes food particles and plaque from between your teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach. Make sure to slide the floss gently up and down between each tooth, curving it around the base of each tooth to ensure you're reaching below the gum-line.

Dietary advice to avoid foods and drinks that can wear down enamel

Your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy teeth and avoiding sensitivity. Acidic foods and beverages such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, coffee, wine, soda can erode your enamel over time leading to increased sensitivity. Try limiting these items in your diet or consume them during meals when saliva production is high which helps neutralize acids.

It's also beneficial to include plenty of calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese or leafy greens in your diet as they help strengthen enamel thus reducing susceptibility to erosion. Drinking water throughout the day helps wash away food particles and bacteria while promoting saliva production which acts as a natural defense against acid erosion.

Taking these preventive measures will go a long way in maintaining your oral health and avoiding tooth sensitivity. However, if you're already experiencing sensitivity, it's important to seek professional help as soon as possible. The next topic we'll discuss is "How To Care For Your Teeth Post-Treatment?". Stay tuned for some helpful tips and advice.

How To Care For Your Teeth Post-Treatment?

How To Care For Your Teeth Post-Treatment?

Caring for your teeth post-treatment is an essential step in maintaining good oral health and preventing further dental issues. After undergoing treatment for sensitive teeth, it's crucial to follow a strict oral hygiene routine. This includes brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush like the SilkyTeeth toothbrush, which has 12,000 ultra-fine bristles that are gentle on sensitive gums and teeth. Flossing daily is also important to remove plaque from areas where your toothbrush can't reach.

Using a fluoride mouthwash can also be beneficial as it helps strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), fluoride mouthwash can decrease tooth decay by up to 40%. It's recommended to avoid eating or drinking anything acidic immediately after using a fluoride rinse as this can neutralize its effects.

It's equally important to maintain a healthy diet post-treatment. Consuming foods rich in calcium and vitamin D such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and leafy greens can help strengthen your teeth. On the other hand, sugary foods and drinks should be limited as they contribute to tooth decay. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests limiting sugar intake to less than 10% of total energy intake for optimal oral health.

Lastly, don't forget about regular dental check-ups post-treatment. Regular visits allow your dentist to monitor your progress and catch any potential problems early on. The ADA recommends visiting your dentist at least once every six months for routine cleanings and exams.


As a representative of SilkyTeeth, I can confidently say that our products are designed with the utmost care and precision to cater to the needs of people with sensitive teeth and gums. Our toothbrushes, equipped with ultra-fine bristles, provide a gentle yet thorough cleaning experience. They're perfect for all age groups - children, adults, elderly individuals, and even those wearing braces. Coupled with our 8 Shades Whiter Teeth Whitening Strips, we offer a comprehensive oral care solution.

Our target niche includes individuals who value their oral health and are in search of effective yet gentle dental care products. We invite you to Shop Now or Learn More about our range of products tailored specifically for your needs. If you're unsure about which product is right for you, why not take our quiz or get a free consultation? We're here to help you maintain your beautiful smile!

Key Takeaway:

SilkyTeeth offers an array of oral care solutions designed specifically for those with sensitive teeth and gums. From toothbrushes featuring ultra-fine bristles to teeth-whitening strips promising eight shades whiter results - we've got it all!

SHOP NOW or learn more about how we can help improve your oral health while catering to your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sensitive teeth

What causes sensitive teeth?

There are a few common causes of sensitive teeth:

  • Worn enamel on the teeth. Enamel is the hard outer layer of the teeth. When enamel wears down, it exposes the inner layers of the teeth which are more sensitive.

  • Gum recession. When gums recede, they expose more of the roots of the teeth which can lead to sensitivity.

  • Tooth decay or cracks. Cavities or cracks in the enamel allow sensations like hot, cold, or pressure to reach the inner layers more easily.

  • Acidic foods or drinks. Foods and drinks high in acid can temporarily soften enamel and cause sensitivity.

How can I tell if I have sensitive teeth?

The main sign of sensitive teeth is pain or discomfort in your teeth when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods/drinks. You may feel sharp pain, dull ache, or a lingering sensation. The pain usually goes away quickly once the stimulus is removed.

What can cause temporary sensitive teeth?

Some things that can cause temporary tooth sensitivity include:

  • Eating or drinking very hot or cold foods/drinks
  • Brushing teeth too vigorously
  • Having dental work done like a cleaning or filling
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Dry mouth
  • Acid reflux or vomiting

How long does sensitive teeth last?

The duration of sensitive teeth can vary depending on the underlying cause. Temporary causes like eating something very hot/cold may only last a few minutes. Sensitive teeth due to worn enamel may last longer, possibly years without treatment. With treatment, sensitivity often improves within a few weeks but may take months to be fully resolved.

What are some home remedies for sensitive teeth?

Some home remedies to try for sensitive teeth relief include:

  • Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle brushing technique
  • Rinsing with warm salt water
  • Applying desensitizing toothpaste
  • Chewing sugarless gum to increase saliva flow
  • Drinking water after consuming acidic foods/drinks

When should I see a dentist about sensitive teeth?

You should see a dentist if your sensitive teeth are severe, frequent, or getting worse over time. Also see a dentist if home remedies provide no relief. A dentist can properly diagnose the cause and provide customized treatment if needed.

What treatments are available for sensitive teeth?

Dentists have several treatment options available for sensitive teeth depending on the specific cause:

  • Desensitizing toothpaste/gel - contains agents that clog tooth tubules
  • Topical fluoride treatment - strengthens enamel
  • Sealants - create a physical barrier over the teeth
  • Root planing/scaling - smooths root surfaces under gumline
  • Tooth bonding/veneers - covers exposed tooth surfaces
  • Prescription strength desensitizing medication

How can I prevent sensitive teeth?

Some tips to help prevent sensitive teeth include:

  • Use a soft-bristled brush and proper brushing technique
  • Visit the dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups
  • Drink fluoridated water and use fluoride toothpaste if recommended
  • Limit acidic foods and drinks between meals
  • Wear a night guard if you grind your teeth
  • Don't brush immediately after consuming acidic foods/drinks

What is dentin hypersensitivity?

Dentin hypersensitivity, commonly known as sensitive teeth, refers to sharp, short-lasting pain that occurs in the teeth in response to chemical, thermal, tactile, osmotic or evaporative stimuli. It is caused by exposed dentin, which contains tubules that allow fluid movement in response to stimuli and trigger pain fibers in the pulp.

What is the best treatment for severe sensitive teeth?

For severe, persistent sensitive teeth not responding to home remedies or over-the-counter treatments, seeing a dentist is recommended. The dentist can more thoroughly examine the teeth and determine if a root canal may be needed to eliminate the source of pain. Other in-office treatments like dental sealants, fillings over exposed areas, or topical desensitizing medications applied by a dentist may provide longer-lasting relief for severe cases. Prescription strength paste or gel may also help.